Learning to eat: from the hands to the fork

Babies up to six months feed on milk, but thereafter new foods are introduced and we can say that babies learn to eat. Of course, so that they know how to take a spoon and take it to their mouths to drink the soup they still have to spend years.

We are going to see the evolution of babies, how they learn to eat, what are the capacities that they show in the first years of life, especially when it comes to motor skills and food handling, until they reach the age of five of the child, when You can say you already "know" to eat without help.

Babies from six months to a year

Approximately after six months most of babies are able to:

• Eat the first solid or semi-solid foods that make up the complementary diet, such as cereals, fruit, vegetables. • Bring objects to your mouth (long before). Explore food with your mouth. • Try to grab food that by size can grab with your fingers, grabbing them between your thumb and forefinger. • Pass food from one hand to the other. • Try to hold a cup. • It is able to collect and chew soft pieces of food. • By seven to eight months, they can be allowed to feed themselves with small pieces of food with their hands (Baby-led Weaning).

Children from one to two years old

During the second year of age the child undergoes an important evolution, teething developsThey coordinate hand and mouth movements better and can eat almost everything.

• Grab food with your fingers and release it. • You can hold a spoon or fork (although as we have pointed out you still cannot use them well). • You can use a cup (but you will have difficulty releasing it). • You will want the food that others eat. • With 18 months, the child in general will eat less than babies and children 2 years and older. • He will like to eat with his hands. • Will have favorite foods. • You will be easily distracted at mealtime. • With two years you can now skillfully hold a cup. • You can also chew more food by having developed the denture. • Will have defined likes and dislikes.

Children from three to four years

Between three and four years of age the child develops and perfects his skills at mealtime, while expanding his tastes and letting us know.

• You can use a fork, and the knife from the age of four. • You can hold a cup by the handle. • You can pour liquids from a small jug. • You will order your favorite foods. • You will like foods of various shapes and colors. • Will have more interest in food. • Be influenced by television. • At four years the child can use a cup well. • You can feed yourself. • You will probably be more interested in speaking than in eating. • You will refuse to eat a food if you dislike it or when you just want to eat something in particular. • You will like to help prepare food. • You will be more influenced by your friends regarding food.

At age five, the child has already acquired enough skills to eat alone. We refer to without adult help, although obviously it is best to eat as a family. We can also make food preparation and cooking tasks a family activity.

We see how from six months to five years the child has undergone a very important evolution in all aspects, also in terms of how do you feed, how do you learn to eat and passes from the hands to the fork.

Video: The Right Way to Use Your Fork and Knife (June 2024).