The Severo Ochoa Hospital creates a Breastfeeding Committee

He Severo Ochoa de Leganés Hospital (Madrid) has announced the creation of a Breastfeeding Committee to effectively promote breastfeeding. Its objective will be the development of health action protocols in relation to breastfeeding to analyze the starting point and improve the areas where improvement is necessary.

It is also planned to carry out a breastfeeding manual and create a specialized consultation for mothers who may have problems in breastfeeding.

He Breastfeeding Committee of the Severo Ochoa Hospital It will bring together those responsible for quality and those of the different health and professional areas that influence the success of breastfeeding of women who give birth in their facilities.

They must carry out an organized and continuous training of all staff, so that they can offer mothers adequate information and support. In this sense, they are already working on the promotion of early contact, skin with skin and the beginning of breastfeeding in the first hour of life, all measures that have been scientifically confirmed that are important to achieve effective and lasting breastfeeding.

They also try that the protocols do not involve a separation of the baby, humanizing childbirth and birth, within the general line that is being imposed today.

They are already doing kangaroo method in the neonatal rooms, offering parents privacy, comfortable armchairs and dimmable lighting, allowing them to stay with babies 24 hours a day, which is another of the essential measures for the stay in the hospital Do not be a brake on the establishment of breastfeeding, which is especially important in premature or troubled babies.

The Creation of this Breastfeeding Committee at the Severo Ochoa Hospital in Leganés (Madrid) is excellent news, since it will allow children born in this center to be more likely to be breastfed, ensuring that the protocols, procedures, spaces and training of professionals are a boost for breastfeeding and not a brake.

Video: Hospital Severo Ochoa L12 : Metro de Madrid Serie 8000 (July 2024).