"There is a minimum of maternal and child tolerance": a Mexican senator is criticized for appearing with her baby in her arms

"There is a minimum of maternal and child tolerance", criticized the deputy of the Mexican Congress, Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, to Senator Martha Cecilia Márquez while speaking at the podium with her baby in her arms.

The woman asked her to apologize for her disrespect by interrupting her with such rudeness and her partners and media in her country have supported her.

A joke without grace

For weeks, the capital and several states of Mexico suffer shortages of fuel. So PAN Senator Martha Cecilia Márquez went up to the rostrum to demand that the government put an end to the lack of gasoline.

And while he spoke, he carried his daughter Emilia, a few weeks old.

But his words were interrupted by Muñoz Ledo, deputy of the government's persident party, who said, with laughter from those present, that “There is a minimum of maternal and child tolerance. You have already exhausted it, mate ”.

The senator asked him to "I don't disrespect you".

This video plays the moment.

Indignation in the media and social networks

Luckily, not all senators share Lopez Ledo's opinion. As the newspaper El Universal reports, the former candidate for the Presidency of the PAN, Josefina Vázquez Mota, asked "a measure of food safety for the baby" and that early childhood is respected.

In fact, according to the newspaper, yesterday Emilia went back to the Plenary Hall of San Lázaro with her mother and several senators took her in her arms to claim her right to be there.

Televisa described as "Black pearl" Porfirio Muñoz Ledo's comment. His journalist, Denise Maerker, asked the media since when you can talk about a comment like that to a deputy who was intervening with a child in his arms.

"There is a minimum of maternal and child tolerance," Porfirio Muñoz Ledo told Sen. Martha Cecilia Márquez, who criticized the rally of federal officials for fighting gasoline theft #LaPerlaNegra #enPunto pic.twitter.com / 3haXDoR8J7

- Denise Maerker (@DeniseMaerker) January 16, 2019

The Mexican journalist Olivia Zerón wrote on her Twitter account that due to the attitude of the deputy of López Obrador “All legislators, regardless of parties, should be outraged”.

"Sorry, there is a minimum of maternal and child tolerance," Porfirio Muñoz Ledo told Senator Cecilia Márquez, who went up to talk to her baby in her arms. All legislators, regardless of parties, should be outraged.

- Olivia Zerón (@oliviazeron) January 16, 2019

Examples of policies and mothers

The Mexican deputy alleges that she does not separate from her daughter because "It is your right to be a mother and a professional."

And it is not, at all, the only policy that thinks so.

  • We have already told you about the example of leadership and conciliation of the Prime Minister of New Zealand by taking her baby to the UN, accompanied by her father.
In Babies and moreThe tit and parliament: an Australian senator files a motion while breastfeeding her baby
  • Also the decision of the United States Senate to allow its members to take their babies to the camera.

  • And of the controversy that a candidate for governor raised to appear breastfeeding her baby in the video of her campaign

  • We remind the European parliamentarian Licia Ronzulli that she went to Parliament for the first time to a vote when her daughter was only a month and a half old and we have seen her growing up.

  • But do not go far. Here in Spain, the deputy of Podemos, Carolina Bescansa, attended the Congress with her baby two years ago.

And what do you think of the treatment received by the Mexican senator? Would you take your child to work if you could as athletes, nodelos or actresses have already done?

In Babies and moreThe beautiful photo of the model Lorena Van Heerde nursing her baby during a photo shoot

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