Highlights in Babies and more: from April 26 to May 2

Like every Monday, we return with the summary of Babies highlights and more, premiering the month of May and with the hangover of Mother's Day that is still celebrated throughout the month in various parts of the world.

Precisely this special date has taken up a lot of space in our blog, and we have brought you several ideas to give mom, from books or jewelry to free vouchers or an emotional letter. You also told us how you celebrate this day.

In our Special dedicated to infant feeding, it is the turn of meats: chicken, turkey and rabbit on one side and lamb and kid on the other.

At the beginning of the month we have offered the lunar calendar to know the time of delivery and, related to childbirth, we have read the interesting second part of the interview with Dr. Emilio Santos, where he offers his testimony and experience to talk about births without pain.

You have left your comments on topics such as the fashion names that we put to our children or when talking about the characteristics of high demand babies, as well as the post that presents an application to know what the baby will look like, Morph Thing, something that many future parents want to know.

In addition, we have asked you about issues such as whether Social Security should cover home births, and about the newborn we have known ten frequent changes in the skin or how the first breath occurs. A new post in the series about the baby who rejects the breast gives us all the information to face it.

Also these days we have given prominence especially to your mothers stories, which we will continue publishing throughout the month of May. This week has been the time to learn about the stories of Iraida, Cintia, Mª Ángeles, Sandra and Virginia, and with them we have been excited and we have reflected.

We hope that this compilation of posts from the last week has been interesting for you. We will continue working to bring the most attractive, fun and useful content to the blog, and next week we will summarize them in a new selection of Highlights of Babies and More.

Video: Ramirez vs Mendez Highlights: May 26, 2018 - PBC on FS1 (July 2024).