Child growth calendar: one year

We continue on our journey through the growth of babies, and we reach a milestone in the calendar that each family celebrates: the first year of the baby. Although in reality there are not many differences with respect to the 11 months, in the one year children growth calendar They experience important advances both physically and intellectually.

One year old child feeding

With 12 months, the child is already coordinating his movements very well and during the year he will end up being very skilled at the time of taking the food and doing his tests with the cutlery. Throughout the year your teeth will be completed until the first molars, so they are already able to bite and chew better and better.

So the porridge is left behind and the food with small pieces (smaller at the beginning) is the best option for the child to continue exercising chewing and get used to different textures. Meat, fish, cereals, legumes ... are already part of the child's diet. After 12 months you can start offering the egg.

Whether the child continues to drink breast milk or if he or she takes dairy products (artificial milk, yogurts, fresh cheese), half a liter a day of milk is recommended.

When you are approaching two years of age you are ready to sit at the table with parents and leave the high chair aside. You will enjoy eating with the elderly and, little by little more and more, the same food as the elderly.

Complementary feeding has already been introduced gradually from the sixth month of life, and from the year we will continue with good eating habits that will help them have a better quality of life. Excessively fatty, caloric and sugary foods should not be placed "within reach" of the child. The example of adults, also in regard to food, is essential.

Sharing meals with the child is not only to help him eat but also to talk to him, to talk to us in his own way, and to make that moment a pleasant family gathering.

The dream in children of one year

Children from one to two years have established a more or less stable pattern of sleep. Some take a nap in the morning and another in the afternoon, and the night hours of sleep lengthen, although it may be customary to continue waking up during the night. In total, they sleep about 12-13 hours but not at a stretch but distributed at those different times of the day.

Children may cry during this stage, before going to sleep or waking up. It is normal and responds to an anxiety process that many babies go through at this age. As the child feels insecure if he does not feel his parents close, he expresses it that way. Accompanying them in those moments will help them fall asleep.

One year child growth

When the child reaches one year has grown about 50% of what he weighed at birth, a milestone that will not be repeated in subsequent years. The child's second year is also marked by a rapid increase in size, but much lower than that of the first year.

The child can solve simple problems, and will seek help when he knows that he is still unable to perform certain activities (reaching or starting a toy ...).

The children they start to walk at this stage if they have not done so before. From the year it makes very rapid progress towards physical autonomy. The first steps are performed with open arms to better balance. Care must be taken so that at that stage there is no major fall that will hurt the child.

His new skills also allow him to skillfully use his hands and move without help to increase his field of exploration. Therefore, it is convenient to have a safe environment in which they move (if we did not have it yet with crawling) with the least possible danger.

Language and sociability

The child from the year is expanding his vocabulary quickly. At the beginning, with few words he is able to say many things, little by little he will increase the number of words used and the sentences. About two years, you can make simple combinations of words: "Mom come", "Bread yes", "Handsome child" ...

Show that you understand many words but cannot say them. The child can follow simple orders and answer our questions if we ask him to point out objects or animals in a book ...

Expressive language and the ability to pronounce words is also developing. The baby makes sounds as if he were talking, and follows the rhythm of his voice. We can repeat the new words because the child will try to imitate us and over time, his speech will be clearer and easier to understand.

The one-year-old needs our continued approval. Before his small "achievements", he will look for us with his eyes to see if we applaud, encourage him or, on the contrary, we fail him. The more we accompany you in your development, the more you will be encouraged to continue learning. The more we talk to him, the more he will develop linguistically.

They love to play and imitate, either with children your age or with adults. Children learn through play, so we should not miss this opportunity to accompany them and encourage them in their games.


Many children demonstrate a fairly strong personality as tantrums at this stage. This is because the baby will prove some independence by moving from one side to the other and moving more, he knows what his wishes are, but not his limits.

Your confidence and independence will clash with what you cannot do or achieve and therefore will react with anger before their own limitations or those imposed by their parents. And more if we consider that they have not yet developed enough language to express everything they want to say. If he gets angry and does not know how to explain why, or sees that my parents do not understand him, or does not get what he wants, anger comes.

Our patience, our help and support will teach you to be independent and to understand that you are unique and that you have special skills that will continue to increase in these first years of life, despite the limitations. Understanding why they have been angry, talking to them and explaining the situation will make situations that they dislike in the future be resolved in the same way: speaking.

Vaccination in children aged one to two years

Between 12 and 24 months there are different "mandatory" vaccines on the calendar, although there are variations between communities and countries, so we must stick to the corresponding calendar and follow the instructions of our pediatrician.

In Spain the Ministry of Health has in this age group the application of the last dose against polionellitis, against meningococcal meningitis C and against Haemophilus-influenzae b. It also includes a new dose against diphtheria-tetanus and triple viral (measles, rubella, mumps).

Soon we will return with a new stage in the development of the child after having seen how one year old children grow and learn.