Results of the survey on pregnancy and influenza A "Would you be vaccinated against influenza A?"

A few days ago we proposed a survey on pregnancy and influenza A. We asked pregnant women if they would be vaccinated against influenza A.

The results have shown the caution (or should I call it distrust?) About immunization against influenza A, at least among pregnant women.

The majority of our pregnant readers, 39%, have decided not to apply the vaccine against influenza A while the next highest percentage, 33%, it is clear that they would not be immunized at least until they see how the disease evolves and the possible risks that the vaccine could have on them and their babies.

On the other hand, 22% of our pregnant readers are not sure if they would be vaccinated because they believe they do not have the necessary information to make the decision.

And finally, only 6% of respondents consider getting vaccinated against the H1N1 virus as soon as the application of the vaccine is allowed in pregnant women.

We can deduce that pregnant women do not see influenza A as a serious threat or that at least until they see how the disease evolves with the arrival of the cold they do not consider applying a vaccine whose effects are still unknown. For that perhaps the remedy is worse than the disease.

Video: Influenza Vaccination Recommendations 2015-2016 (July 2024).