Multicare: new baby bed with reflux

Many parents are concerned about the regurgitation and discomfort of the baby after feeding and also the possible solutions offered. One of them is the new Multicare anti-reflux bed Made in Belgium

It is a bed that can be placed at an inclination of 40º or 50º which allows the baby to sleep in a semi-vertical position preventing the stomach contents from rising up the esophagus towards the mouth.

Seeing the photo it seems as if the bed was a slide through which the baby could slip, but under the blanket incorporates a support system that is a kind of diaper with velcro to place the baby.

A study that has just been published in the scientific journal "Archives of Disease in Childhood" recommends the Multicare bed because they have found that babies who used it for sleeping reduced the reflux rate by half (% of the time there is acid in the esophagus, measured by a pH-metric) in a week.

They also found that babies regurgitated and cried less frequently in 3/4 of the cases, so place the baby in a semi-vertical position They advise him as the best solution in cases of reflux against medication or change of diet, which on the other hand takes a lot of money and gives few results.

Recall that a baby who regurgitates does not necessarily suffer from gastroesophageal reflux, a disease characterized by violent vomiting and severe pain. On some occasion we have explained how to differentiate them.

To purchase the bed, you can check the official website of the product to buy it in other countries. At the moment, the manufacturer is managing the distributor search in Spain.

Video: Cama Anti reflujo, Bed Anti reflux, Baby reflux, Reflujo (July 2024).