Give birth in Asturias

The attention to delivery in Asturias It is being rapidly modernized to adapt to the Normal Delivery Care Strategy. And they have taken one of the most important measures to know the true quality and kind of medical care that is provided: publicize their general epidural and cesarean rates, as well as the most innovative care services they propose.

Recently the Asturian midwives They wanted to explain that the best possible assistance is that which is based on information and personalized attention to women, making them the protagonists of their deliveries.

One of the things pending is to reduce epidural rates, which has many undesirable side effects and is related to a greater number of instrumental and cesarean deliveries. To achieve this, the strategy proposes to encourage women to use non-pharmacological methods of pain relief. The highest rate is in the HUCA hospital (86%), 74% in Arriondas, 71% in Langreo, in Mieres 62% and in Cangas de Narcea it drops to 48%.

In my opinion the episotomy figures are still scandalous and professionals have to receive the necessary recycling to learn not to cut routinely: in Langreo there is 82% for example, although in Cangas de Narcea, again excellent figures are given: a 10%, which is acceptable from a modern medical point of view. The average is 59%, a real shame in my opinion.

Caesarean sections are still very high, for example in Arriondas, which has 35% and acceptable in Cabueñes, which has 16%.

Once the cases of each of the centers have been reviewed, it is certainly in the Cangas de Narcea Hospital where more compliant protocols are applied to the Strategy, achieving, thanks to non-pharmacological methods of pain relief and freedom of movement, lower rates of interventions.

Delivery care in Asturias You must improve a lot. Although an attempt to improve is perceived, it seems to be something rather external, but that has not yet modified the way professionals act. Even so, in general terms, there is an improvement in the type of assistance and a slow decrease in the numbers of caesarean section and episotomy, usually also corresponding to decreases in the use of the epidural and the freedom of women to move, feed and receive non-drug analgesia

Video: Birth of John, Prince of Asturias Isabel s02e06 (July 2024).