Obesity increases the discomfort of pregnancy

A work recently published by the University of Edinburgh indicates that obesity causes greater chances of suffering discomfort and mild health problems in pregnancy. They have pointed out that pregnant women who are obese They are much more vulnerable to a number of health problems and complications.

Research by the University of Edinburgh found that obese women were more likely to suffer headaches than those who were of adequate weight. They were three times more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome and lower back pain, in addition to being 10 times more likely to suffer burning in the esophagus due to reflux and respiratory infections

Dr. Rebecca Reynolds of the Center for Maternal and Fetal Health at the University of Edinburgh stated: "Although symptoms such as heartburn are common and generally perceived as benign, they can have a significant impact on the quality of life for pregnant women and can be linked to more serious conditions. Although these are minor problems they can make a pregnancy much more uncomfortable and are also associated with a higher cost treatment. "

The Center for Maternal and Fetal Health at the University of Edinburgh is investigating the implications of the obesity in pregnancy and the way in which these women can be treated to improve the health of the mother and the child.

Obesity during pregnancy also increases the risk of more serious complications such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and the need for a C-section. They also point out that more than half of pregnancy-related deaths occur in mothers who are obese.

For that reason, in the case of having obesity It is convenient to try to lose weight before becoming pregnant. And if pregnancy has already happened, extreme measures of health care, both in terms of serious problems such as these mild but annoying manifestations that can cause us to live this stage with discomfort.

Via | ScienceDaily In Babies and more | Mother's obesity is related to congenital defects in the baby. Obesity during pregnancy doubles the risk of spina bifida in the baby

Video: Pregnancy Fitness and Food: You Dont Need to Eat for Two. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).