Appearance of acrocordones or soft fibroids (warts) during pregnancy

Due to the increase in estrogen during pregnancy, women may get what we commonly know as warts, in the form of small skin color prominences. They are called "acrocordones", small flaps of soft, soft and flesh-colored skin, or slightly dark. Although they can be seen in any part of the body, they are most often found in sites of skin folds: in the neck, armpits, under the breasts or the English.

They are also known as "soft fibroids." They are usually harmless, and disappear after delivery. If not, we could ask the specialist about the possibility of removing them.

The highest incidence appears in post-menopausal women or during pregnancy and its etiology is unknown. Acrocordons consist of collagen fibers and blood vessels that are surrounded by a thin layer of skin.

In my first pregnancy I got some small ones in my neck, and in this second pregnancy I got in the lower part of the breasts and the upper part of the abdomen, although also very small and fortunately nothing annoying.

They should not be confused with genital warts, which can be a symptom of serious diseases and before their appearance during pregnancy should see a doctor immediately.

Because the cause of these is not clear warts or acrocordones during pregnancy, there is no known way to prevent them. However, we will have to follow its evolution in case they increase excessively or bother us, go to the specialist.

Video: Skin Tag Removal!!! (July 2024).