Being a dad: what to do before the Baby Blues

I know it sounds like a song for babies, but no, the Baby blues It is an elegant way to call the mood changes that many mothers suffer in the days following childbirth.

The cause is the continuous dance of hormones that ends up affecting your brain chemistry and that can cause you to become the target of many anger.

So it is likely that he will be angry with you because you have pressed the baby's diaper too much and tell you not to do it anymore, just a little while later complaining because you do not change it and do not help him.

And you, my dear dad, suffer these mood swings and think (or tell him) that "let's see if you clear up," sometimes starting an argument that could be avoided. The first thing to keep in mind is that it is temporary. There are women to whom the Baby blues It lasts a couple of days, although there are others that can last several weeks.

It is hard for everyone, for sure, and also for you, Dad, that you see yourself in full vital change, with a new family member that requires all your attention and energy and with a woman who seems to just want to make things worse.

As it is not true, because there is no intention, it is best to help him overcome it:

Cover your ears

Or "I get in here, I get out here" (in a good way). In the hormonal state that is found is able to say the greatest barbarity that can occur. For you to understand what I mean, it could amount to a moment in your youth when you said something you would never have said on a drunken day.

Better erase the aggressive things I told you about try to understand the situation In which it is found.

Open your ears well

Yes, I know I have said that you cover them, but in normal conditions it is better to have them wide open. Most of the time all you need is someone who I listened and understood, a shoulder to lean on.

Men are practical and simple people who, given a problem, seek a solution or advice. Problem - solution. So we are, we want to fix everything. However, you probably don't want solutions, but just listen to him.

In the closed mouth there are no flies, so it is better to listen, tilt the shoulder, and not want to fix anything (unless you ask us to).

Become “la Juani”

I don't know if you are very tricky with household chores or not. Does not matter, you have to do it yes or yes. Washing machine, iron, dust, mop, glass, food, dishwasher, etc. Take care of as much as you can so that she can devote herself to the baby and so that she burdens as little as possible (and from time to time you also take care of the creature, so that mom can take a shower, among other things).

You can ask for help, of course. It is said that to raise a child you need a whole tribe. In this case, as a baby, the tribe that is dedicated to help so that the mother is in good condition to raise her baby.

On the street

The one who goes to work and disconnects is you, the one who stays at home with the baby, always on the same stage, is her.

In other words, the one who does the easy thing is you and it's her turn the hardest psychologically work.

When you get home, go for a walk. A little exercise, outside air and sunlight will help lift your mood.

Sooner or later, as I said, there comes a day when mood swings disappear. If the thing gets longer, or if your partner's emotional state affects his daily life and even the baby's care, he may be experiencing postpartum depression. In this case it is better to see a professional who can help you.

Video: The Perils of Dismissing Depression as Just the 'Baby Blues' (July 2024).