The dangers of trans fats

We often hear about tran fatss or the hydrogenated vegetable oils. They are a component of many industrial foods, especially pastries, precooked foods and snacks. We take them believing that they are the same as any other fat, necessary for us in moderate quantity.

We even fool ourselves by reading "vegetable fat" thinking they are healthier than animals. However it is not true. Trans fats are artificially solidified and they maintain this structure after ingestion, and this is not good for our hearts or our brains.

The Trans fat they are fatty acids that are formed when vegetable oils are processed and transformed into more solids or a more stable liquid. They are labeled as hydrogenated fats. Let's see what are your harmful effects on health, who have them and very serious, especially for children.

The most obvious is that its intake in a high percentage increases the risk of suffering cardiovascular disorders by reducing the levels of "good" cholesterol and raising the "bad". ) and increase LDL ("bad")

A few days ago, the head of Components and Additives of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN), Dr. Pedro Mario Fernández spoke about them at the XIII National Conference on Practical Nutrition.

These products allow food to last longer and have an appetizing texture but it must be taken into account that it moves to the baby during pregnancy and lactation, and can affect a lower IQ The brain already needs quality fats to form properly and can also be related to low birth weight.

In addition, these fats interfere with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) that are essential for children's growth and health, and predispose to obesity.

Therefore, the intake of industrial products containing them must be eliminated or greatly reduced. The industrial pastries, the pre-cooked potatoes, the precooked ones and the appetizers should be consumed very little, and when I say very little I mean that nothing to do it weekly or daily, but at most once a month. Although the ideal is to banish them from food, especially that of children.

Olive oil and blue fish are the most suitable fats, and animal fats can be taken sporadically, but I consider them hydrogenated dangerous and Very little recommended. Actually, knowing how they know their Negative effects At the nutritional level, I do not understand that food use of trans fats is allowed. Let's look at the labels and discard those that tell us that they carry these components. Our health and that of our children will thank us.

More information | EuropaPress

Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: What's wrong with trans fat? (May 2024).