Very few women prepare for pregnancy

One of the tips that health professionals give to women who expect to conceive a baby is that they should prepare for the pregnancy to be as healthy as possible, acquiring or leaving according to what habits. But nevertheless, very few of these women really prepare for pregnancy, for example taking the recommended vitamin supplements or quitting smoking.

This follows from a study carried out in the United Kingdom (University of Southampton) in which data such as only 2.9 percent of women drank the recommended amount of folic acid and did not consume more than four alcoholic beverages per week. during the three months prior to conception.

And despite the fact that planning a pregnancy is not simple, and that many pregnancies arrive without planning it, lifestyle and nutrition recommendations before becoming pregnant are important and a greater effort should be made to follow them. In fact, the very success of conception often depends on those bad habits that are not abandoned.

Doing regular sports, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, taking vitamin supplements and maintaining a healthy and balanced diet are the basic points that should be followed when looking for a baby, even before looking for it.

According to the authors of the study (published in the "British Medical Journal"), more emphasis should be placed on the public messages about preconceptive health, and these not only have to reach women, but also their partners and the whole society. Of course, I think that no effort should be spared.

Video: Female fertility animation (July 2024).