Teen pregnancy: obesity risk

We know that obesity is a risk factor which can lead to complications during pregnancy and childbirth, and this is increasingly common among teenage pregnant women.

If some time ago some of the biggest concerns about a teenage pregnancy were the tendency to poor nutrition and inadequate weight gain during pregnancy, the significant increase in the obese population at these ages is now being taken into account.

A research conducted at the University of North Carolina and published in the journal "Obstetrics & Gynecology" has emphasized the rising teenage obesity rate and in the need to change the focus of attention to the problems that these pregnancies could cause: gestational diabetes, caesarean section ...

The researchers reviewed the records of 458 young people who gave birth in a hospital in Washington, new mothers. The risks of developing gestational diabetes or of having a cesarean delivery multiplied by four compared to other women of the same age who are not obese, which indicates the severity of the problem.

So we have a reminder that obesity is harmful, at any time in life, not only if we want to conceive, but especially if we expect a baby, be the future younger or older mom.

Video: What are the risks to the baby after an obese pregnancy? (July 2024).