Pain relief with non-pharmacological techniques (continuous support)

There are scientifically endorsed studies that have demonstrated what as intuition we already perceive with true, that continuous support The parturient is one of the most effective methods to alleviate the painful sensation. The person who accompanies and supports the mother must be trusted, treat her with respect and without judging her and know her wishes about her birth. It is also convenient to have knowledge about the process of childbirth and how to help it cope with pain or fear.

Among the main options of continuous delivery support are: doulas accompaniment, or trained birth attendants, and the assistance of a relative chosen by the woman. Both solutions are not incompatible, but can be complementary. Compared to women who do not have this type of support, there are notable reductions in the risk of major abdominal surgery, other interventions and dissatisfaction among those who received continuous support from non-hospital care providers.

In general terms, women who received support in childbirth usually need a lower percentage of epidural analgesia or other local analgesia and lower rates of caesarean section and instrumental delivery, in addition to having a better opinion of their children's birth experience.

Video: The 11 best natural pain relief methods for labour and child birth (July 2024).