Highlights of the week: October 20-26

Like every Monday, we do a review of the most outstanding contents of last week in Babies and more.

We continue with our Special about Decorating the baby's room in which we have talked about the right materials for the baby's room and also about a fundamental piece of furniture: cribs.

In turn, in the Special on Delivery we talk about the signs that tell us that the day is approaching and as for the Delivery Plan Guide we delve into two procedures involved in childbirth: monitoring and the venous route. In turn, we have commented on how to relieve pain with non-pharmacological techniques such as having freedom of movement.

Also about childbirth, Eva has interviewed a mother who refused her birth plan and I have concluded that a respected birth is a matter of attitude rather than means.

Leaving the issue of childbirth, Armando told us about something that worries many parents when they discover that My child is touched and has also posted a very interesting video about the interpretation of weight and growth charts by Carlos González. In his series on Being Dad, he invites you to meet your baby.

About pregnancy, we gave solutions not to get toxoplasmosis.

For her part, in terms of children's health, Eva told us about an innovative treatment of autism in the Canary Islands, that most childhood otitis would be avoided without tobacco from the family environment and that one in four children suffers from dermatological alterations.

Finally, as a partner says "we have another party", the Halloween party, in which children dress up and go out to ask for candy. But before buying the costumes we must take into account some important recommendations.

Video: Muhlenberg College Plays of the Week Oct. 20-26, 2015 (July 2024).