Tags through the mirror

In Through the mirror, the wonderful blog of the psychologist Violet Alcocer, I have found the interesting assessment of "tags" which comes from an article originally published for the magazine "Being Parents Today".

The author, child specialist psychologist, usually boasts extraordinary sensitivity and equanimity. In this reflection it has again become accurate. Many times it is the parents who do not succeed in understanding the motives of some childish behavior, expecting from the children things for which they are not mature.

Collect toys, sleep alone, do not be afraid of the dark, all that will come. But if we expect this to happen after two years we will take more than one disgust, we and our children. Tantrums and scolding that we could have avoided.

When we describe a child as "mischievous," "in love" or "clumsy," we are framing some features of his behavior and, without realizing it, thus transmitting a "label" about who he is. But those same traits and actions can be interpreted positively. By doing so we release a message of confidence in their abilities.

This, in the long run, can help a lot to develop all the child's abilities and make him happier with himself. I recommend you read the full article, it has taught me a lot.

Video: Mirror tags and flip outs for junk journals (July 2024).