V Fedalma Congress: Breastfeeding, for Sustainable Development

FEDALMA, the Spanish Federation of Breastfeeding Associations, will hold its V Congress in Zaragoza on September 26 and 27 of this year. The motto chosen on this occasion is "Breastfeeding, for Sustainable Development"Among the speakers will be, among others, Dr. Concha de Alba, Jesús Martín Calama and Carlos Gonzalez.

The basic theme presented is of great importance in the present times. What role does breastfeeding have in sustainable development??

Although it is not one of the fundamental reasons when deciding to breastfeed, there are many factors that with the promotion of breastfeeding help to protect the environment and make the development of our civilization more sustainable.

Breast milk needs, at most, a few additional calories in the diet, approximately 500. It is considered nothing more. You do not need to keep huge cattle cabins. It does not need to be transported. Nor do we have to manufacture containers or store it. It is not necessary to keep it cold or heat it, it always occurs at the right temperature. Nor should we sterilize anything for consumption. It does not generate surpluses, since it is demand that regulates its production. It is beneficial for women's health. In children it is related to lower rates of leukemia, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, otitis, obesity, as well as many other health problems, which contributes to reducing the need for medical care, hospital admissions and medication. Its benefits, for humans and for the conservation of Nature are undeniable.

We will be attentive to the development of Congress to be able to move everything that is said there.

Video: Breastfeeding hailed as key to sustainable development (July 2024).