"This is what bullying does", the painful publication of a mother to raise awareness of the damage that bullying can cause

Bullying is something very serious, and although more and more schools are involved in the issue and social awareness grows in the face of this terrible scourge, there are still those who downplay the abuse, intimidation or insults among minors, as "children's things".

This has been the case of little Sophia, a six-year-old girl from the United Kingdom, who has been admitted to the hospital several times because of the symptoms caused by the bullying she was being subjected to continuously. Her mother has shared a picture of her daughter on social networks so that people become aware of the seriousness of this problem, and schools get more involved in helping victims.

Her best friend emotionally abused her

Sophia had a "best friend" in the school where she studied, but as the saying goes: "with friends like that, who needs enemies?". And is that the supposed friend of the little girl, he began to exercise great control over her, even saying what he could and could not eat. When Sophia tried to get away from her friend's influence, the rest of her classmates turned against her and turned her back, because the other girl forced them to leave her alone.

Little by little, the little girl began to show symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, stomach aches, vomiting or weight loss, which led her to enter the hospital several times. In Babies and more How to detect if your child suffers bullying

At first, doctors thought it could be Chron's disease or a colitis, so underwent all kinds of diagnostic tests They finally ended up ruling out these ailments.

It wasn't until the girl confessed what was happening to her at school, when his parents learned about the ordeal that had been suffering for months. In addition, Sophia also told them that she had commented on the situation to the teachers, but that far from punishing the aggressor, they took away the issue, telling her "to play with other teammates".

As soon as Sophia's mother found out what had happened, she went to the school and informed the teachers of the effects that the bullying she was being subjected to was having on her daughter's health. But the school continued without taking measures to solve it, and the situation of the little one got worse and worse.

Finally, Sophia's parents decided to take her out of school and enroll her in a new school, but not before posting a picture of her daughter on Facebook after one of her numerous hospital admissions, to awareness about the importance of bullying and the need for support that victims have.

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This is what bullying does.

This is my six year old daughter, hospitalized due to the intimidation she has been suffering.

This is my daughter, whose heart is so big that despite being sick she doesn't want anyone to suffer any consequences.

This is my daughter, who has stopped eating, cries until she falls asleep, and has such severe anxiety that she has vomited up to 20 times in an hour.

This is my daughter, whose "best friend" has emotionally abused her for so long, that my girl came to think it was normal.

This is my daughter, who has entered and left the hospital countless times due to her anxiety.

This is my daughter, who has been scolded "for telling stories at school."

This is my daughter, who has been teased on social networks by other parents for having such a pure heart.

This is my daughter, in whose school we were told that "they were things of six-year-old children" when we went to raise awareness of the problem she was suffering.

This is my daughter, whom her school failed and we had to change her to a new school.

This is my daughter, one of the many children who are going through this.

This is my daughter, whose story is being twisted and manipulated by the same people who were meant to protect her in her school when she was in her care.

This is my daughter, and she herself does not want this child to have to experience it any other child. That's why we are sharing her story, because my daughter's story is that of many other children ... too many!

Please help us share your story. We will show you all the support your school should have given you.

As his mother explained to the Daily Mirror newspaper, after the change of school, Sophia has regained happiness and health. He now has new friends and always tells his parents everything he does every day at school and the children he plays with.

How to detect if your child is suffering bullying?

According to statistics, 17 percent of children suffer some type of bullying. It usually occurs with greater incidence between the ages of 11 and 13, but we can also find cases of bullying in first Primary courses, and even in the Infant stage.

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In the case of Sophia, it is obvious that the school authorities did not consider that in such young children a situation of harassment could occur, but the truth is that the rejection and intimidation by peers It is one of the worst things a child can live.

Many times, parents do not realize what is happening, and they blame the child's behavior or the symptoms it presents to other problems. However, we must be especially alert if:

  • The child refuses to go to school, take excursions or participate in group activities.

  • Skip information about the school: The natural tendency of the child who is suffering from bullying is to hide the harassment, either because he is afraid, threatened or believes that it will happen. That is why, if we perceive that our child suddenly begins to omit certain information, it is advisable to start inquiring in case something happens.

  • Presents psychosomatic symptoms, such as stomachaches or headaches, choking sensation, anxiety, tremors, palpitations, appetite changes or sleep disturbances. Although they are real symptoms, there is no medical cause to justify them.

  • Changes in their behavior, such as sadness, mood swings, fears, isolation or low self-esteem.

Prevention is key to tackling the problem of bullying, and parents and teachers must work hand in hand, without looking the other way or trivializing the matter. Bullying is violence, and should never be allowed.

Photos | @Carrie Golledge

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