Free medications for children under 1 year old in Andalusia

When a baby arrives in the family the expenses begin to multiply. State aid by birth helps to solve them, but we have seen that the 2,500 euros are far from covering the average expenses of a baby during the first year of life.

I do not believe that economic measures are the way to encourage the increase in birth rates, although it is undeniable that they help, I believe more in those that promote work and family conciliation.

From August 1, Andalusian families will have a little extra help. A pioneer measure will be launched in Spain that dispense free medications for babies under 1 year old that are prescribed by a doctor.

An electronic prescription will be used through a program that will identify the date of birth of the child and when going to the pharmacy to acquire the medicine or the medical device, it will not cost you a penny. At the moment, as with the rest of the population, they benefit from a discount of between 10 and 40% of their price.

Diapers, pots, pacifiers and other childcare products are excluded, for which we will have to continue paying with the hope that one day they will resolve to reduce at least the VAT on diapers. I wonder if it will cover for example the air chamber for inhalers that is very expensive.

It is certainly good news for the 95,000 Andalusian families with one or two children under one year of age, especially in cases where the baby has a chronic illness.

I don't think it helps to promote birth as Maria Jesús Montero, Health Counselor, assures, but it does help something to ease the pocket.

Video: How To Travel Like A Boss. Single Mom Space (July 2024).