Fruits and vegetables related to school success

We already knew that eating healthy is essential to have energy and to prevent diseases, but now researchers from the University of Alberta (Canada) have shown that the consumption of fruits and vegetables together with moderate fat intake is importantly related to school success of the kids.

Research has studied the diet, weight, height and reading comprehension level of 5,000 students and found that those who ate more fruits and vegetables and a lower intake of fats failed less questions about the texts read than the other children more friends of industrial pastries and prepared dishes than vegetables.

The researchers ruled out the influence of economic, social and cultural factors on the results. And they have concluded that a healthy diet during childhood improves both the learning capacity as the long-term health of the students.

The conclusions seem quite sensible to me, the bad thing is that it can also be used by children's food manufacturers to enrich their products with certain vitamins and sell the same results.

Recently we also presented a study with Guatemalan men that related childhood nutrition to their adult salaries.

The truth is that the cause we choose does not matter: health, money or studies, but it is a fact that a good diet is the best inheritance That we can leave our children.

Video: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program - Serving With Success (June 2024).