Pregnancy, creativity and hormones: 15 ideas to perform

The 9 months of pregnancy are unrepeatable and happen rarely in life. It is worth living with intensity, and by this I do not mean an agenda full of activities, but to become aware of what gestation represents: the miracle of a new life.

They say there are 3 different ways to deal with a pregnancy: negatively (as a tremendous crisis), with indifference (as something to endure), or positively (as a personal growth opportunity).

This post is about the third way: how to take advantage of these months to develop our creative side and channel the great sensitivity of pregnancy. But the benefits of this proposal are not to become artists but to create a hormonal atmosphere favorable for the baby.

Numerous studies since the 1990s have shown that the quality of life in the womb They also determine the future well-being of that little person. Here we have already talked about how stress in pregnancy affects the baby and its relationship with abortion, premature births and the baby's future pattern of sleep.

But the opposite also works: the acceptance of pregnancy, well-being, love for that child, serenity (whatever the external circumstances are), laughter, ... affect our child's physical and emotional health.

Endorphins they are natural opiates secreted by the brain. Already in pregnancy, production is higher than usual and this is usually related to the "brightness of pregnancy." We can produce endorphins by exercising, relaxing or practicing with pleasure any of the activities below.

In addition, it is known that the most instinctive and primitive part of the brain is activated in childbirth to secrete the necessary hormones, especially oxytocin. That is why it is so important to disconnect the rational part and the verbal language and immerse yourself in the torrent of sensations. Many experts recommend that during pregnancy a woman has opportunities to access this instinctive part of the brain, so that this transition is more familiar and easy at the time of giving birth.

And these are the suggestions that allow us to easily lose track of time, enter into a state of deep relaxation and enhance our creativity:


1. Listen to soft music and that we like. But one suggestion is the composers of Baroque because its slow movements are the ones that most closely resemble the mother's heart rhythm at rest
2. To meditate3. Practice yoga or tai chi
4. Dance. We already show a video of a pregnant woman dancing oriental dance
5. Sing to our baby. In addition we already know that the songs sung before birth recognizes them and calms them later
6. Swim
7. Create a collage with photos that we like and various objects (leaves, flowers, seeds, etc.) and that symbolize what we feel, what we expect from motherhood, etc.
8. Paint a mandala like the ones we show for children or make it sand
9. Draw pictures about pregnancy and childbirth
10. Work the mud. Create figures that represent how we look and feel. Mater Láctea offers us beautiful examples
11. Make crafts for the baby or clothes (if we know)
12. Give us a massage with a suitable oil while we think about our baby and feel as if we cradled him
13. Make up, paint our bellies as in the photo or these temporary henna tattoos for pregnant women
14. Make a mold of our belly as a souvenir
15. Write a diary or poetry where we can open our soul and let flow all the vices and new sensations that flood us

The idea is that these activities be something spontaneous, pleasant, free and without no requirement No goal in between.

It is true that it is difficult to find moments of relaxation in the daily rhythm, but it has never been so important to find it as it is now. Any time we reserve to stop, breathe and give free rein to our creativity, it is a gift for our baby and us. And of course, imagination to power!

Video: Yoga for Fertility, Conception, and Creativity 35-min Second Chakra Yoga Flow (July 2024).