Increase the number of work leave for childcare

It seems to me that they are data to look with some optimism, since the total figures of leave to care for minor children increased by 21% between 2005 and 2007 in Spain. However, far from reaching the levels of other European countries, there would be a long way to go to provide more facilities for parents who wish to raise their young children.

As we move forward in reading this news, we realize others data that is not so encouraging. As men only make up 4.3% (also with a slight increase from previous data) of parents who decide to stop working or that the woman is the one who suffers the highest rate of unemployment, temporality, precariousness and salary difference.

Also that pregnancy is the first occupational risk for women, and in many cases (especially in private companies) seen as an obstacle to developing the professional career.

Other data that we have talked about in our pages such as the frequency of maternal mobbing or that pregnancy is the first cause of dismissal among women also make us stop in optimism.

These are the statements in 20 minutes of V. Navarro, a father who was 6 months delivered to his young son:

"You have to take account, dispense with a salary, postpone projects such as changing house or car and pulling savings: I estimate that it cost me about 12,000 euros, but it was worth it".

Is that account and defer projects what throws back many parents, but it is that "it was worth it" that encourages more and more to make that decision.

Hopefully the first part of the reflection will change substantially, and through state aid and job facilities the decision to spend more time raising our children did not have to take the sleep of the parents who decided to do so, thinking about those problems.

And relegating other fundamental aspects for that welfare of society which we have been talking about so much and in which we all need to accommodate. How about taking some example of the good life in Iceland?

Video: New website helping working single parents start a Business- Increase Income (July 2024).