The parents of the Basque Country will have a 16-week paternity leave from autumn 2019

The Basque Country will become the first Autonomous Community to promote an equal paternity benefit. The Basque Government is preparing a reform of the decree of conciliation aid that will involve a extended paternity leave to 16 weeks, a measure that is calculated to It will be effective in the last quarter of 2019.

This measure was announced by the Basque government eight months ago only for officials, but only one month later it decided to extend it to all working parents.

First equal paternity benefit

  • The decision to adopt the equal permission before the rest of Spain was announced in the Basque Parliament last March. And the deadlines were collected in the IV Family Support Plan in Euskadi, a document with fifty actions to improve family policy.

  • According to the Ministry, the benefit will be applied first to parents who already have a child and extend the family.

  • Men who are not yet parents should wait until 2022.

  • Family grant it will not be retroactive, so only parents who have a baby can be accepted after the approval of the rule.

In Babies and more The five-week extension of the paternity leave is approved

What will the benefit be like?

  • The government intends pay 100% extra 11 weeks of leave, to complete the five weeks of paternity leave already covered by Social Security.

  • The father must enjoy the permission in the first 12 months of the child's life, and not at the same time as the mother. Thus "It is achieved parents can take care of their baby for the first eight months, also achieving a truly equal parenting", as explained by the Department of Employment and Social Policies.

  • In this way, the baby can be cared for at home by either parent up to eight months of life.

  • It is not yet known if prospective parents will be able to choose a shorter leave of absence or if they can only apply for the economic benefit if they receive 16 weeks.

Video: National Assembly for Wales Plenary (July 2024).