Flu vaccination campaign, is already underway

The Ministry of Health has already launched the flu vaccination campaign in order to prevent disease and avoid greater evils. It is now up to the Health Ministry of each community to organize, distribute and apply vaccines that are naturally free and administered in health centers. It is advisable to do it during this month and the first weeks of November.

Children are one of the risk groups, and they recommend vaccinating children from six months of age, in addition to pregnant women who have passed the first trimester of pregnancy.

It is advisable to protect those who have fewer defenses and greater risk of contagion, such as that located in the nursery or school. There are many children together, there is always one that falls and this, when sneezing or coughing, gives off germs and then there is contact between the children or is simply in the environment, and contagion occurs. Although it is recommended extreme hygiene in the hands and protect the mouth and nose to prevent infection, they are things we only see the elderly do.

After an incubation of about 48 hours, we already have our little sick for a week, some symptoms may even last longer.

It is worth remembering what the experts tell us, the vaccine is effective between 40 and 70% of cases, do not think that by vaccinating our children we can forget about taking care to prevent them from getting sick.

Video: June 2019 ACIP Meeting - Agency Updates; Influenza Vaccines (July 2024).