Eating disorders, with pregnancy may improve or develop for the first time

Another problem that invades our society unfortunately are eating disorders. More and more problems related to food and physique appear and the truth is that they are very dangerous, since they can end the life of a person.

Worse is still the case of being pregnant, because you are giving a life that is being punished at the same time. But there are different cases, sometimes Pregnancy can be the push for a woman who suffers from an eating disorder to heal, although a study in the Psychological Medicine digital publication concludes, it can also cause it to start for the first time.

Cynthia M. Bulik, of the University of North Carolina, in Chapel Hill, and lead author of the study, mentions that it is very important to control pregnant women to identify any small symptoms of an eating disorder. It is uncommon for a woman in a state suffering from anorexia, bulimia or other food-related disorder to speak with her partner, her gynecologist or her obstetrician. The mentioned study was carried out with data from 41,157 pregnant women, of which 0.1% of women suffered from anorexia before becoming pregnant, 0.7% bulimia, 3.5% were compulsive eaters and 0, 1% took laxatives or purged.

Once pregnant, 78% of women who purged themselves, stopped doing so, 39% of those who suffered from binge eating disorder, stopped doing so and 34% of those suffering from bulimia also recovered.

Less promising data are that women with greater weight, lower economic status and formal education, those who were smokers or those who had previously been pregnant and had had an abortion, were more likely to develop disorders such as binge eating, who experienced 711 pregnant women of the study.

Pregnancy can cause a situation of biological and psychological stress, so according to the research, the same thing can cause them to remit eating disorders as they develop them for the first time.

Video: Pregnancy Fitness and Food: You Dont Need to Eat for Two. Kaiser Permanente (May 2024).