Holidays with children: Oh! la la Paris II

A couple of days ago I delivered the first part of my vacation in Paris. Today I still tell you a little about what can be done in Paris with two children, one of five years and another of eight months.

Paris is a lovely city, those who have been in it know it. I think that even living a year in it still would not be fully known.

This time we have forgotten the museums. We have the experience of going with Lucas on another trip to the Vatican museums and the poor man is exhausted. We do not risk entering Louvre, this time also with a baby.

One of the magical things about Paris is its roundabouts (carousels), which allow a pleasant time and interest to small travelers between both monument and monument. When we visit Montmartre, at the foot of the Sacre Coeur church there is a merry-go-round, (the very one that appears in the movie Amelie, on the phone scene and the blue arrows on the ground), with which you can “bribe” the children if they behave well while admiring the church and the fantastic view that is seen from there from the city. We were lucky to see a rainbow that spilled its colors in the city; A whole aesthetic experience. Those who have traveled as a family know that going out at night is a bit complicated because the children are already tired.

One of the nights we decided to walk the Champs Elysees, luckily Arturo was asleep and Lucas still had energy. As Paris is a surprise, Lucas was also able to do something he liked: almost at midnight the Toyota dealership was open with a car show, there was a car in which you could sign and another that Lucas and his loved Dad: I was split in half and it could be seen how the engine worked.

Later we entered at the request of my boys to one of Renault where they "freaked out" with a formula 1 of meat and bone, and climbed into a racing simulator as if it were Fernandos Alonsos.

One cannot leave without looking at the night illumination of this city. For this we took the Paris Vision that on a tour led us to marvel at this unforgettable city. Lucas loved going up on the bus, I had to get off because it gave a cool air that bothered Arturo.

With the food we had no problems, my oldest son eats everything and with the baby that week he was in pots and chest. Yes, I still breastfeed him and on the trip it was a blessing; They already know that the trips disrupt the rhythm of the children and many times they refuse to eat, but yes, mom's baby never rejects her.

These are some of the adventures of Paris, a place that offers thousands of things to do. For those who are planning to go, I assure you that they will fall in love with her and the kids will have a great time, despite not going to Disneyland Paris. In babies and more | Holidays with children: Oh! the, the Paris I

Video: Learn French with Web series "Oh La La, Speak French - Paris Style!" Teaser (July 2024).