The week in Babies and more: from July 30 to August 5

A great alert woke up last week with regard to child safety, as poor manufacturing was detected and the withdrawal of one million Fisher-Price toys. Precisely the toys had been painted in China, where 34% of children have an excessively high blood lead level. This tells us a lot, doesn't it? That's why nothing better than the biodegradable toys our partner Eliana showed us. But if you can not spend because the holidays take all the savings, we also recommend playing games with cheap ideas to entertain young children.

Speaking of holidays, we gave a touch of attention for those who travel by car in Caution with the car on vacation, do it for the children, but also for cycling, ideal for children the Disney Road Safety Kit. What we had a good time was with the second installment that Eliana gave us about her family vacation in New York, Rodrigo had a great time, then the parents twice. As for studies and news of interest, we had many and some very surprising, such as the denial of an adoption for being an obese dad, and as a counterpart, the bad decision of the Catalan Ministry of Education, which withdraws hours from gymnastics classes in the schools.

With regard to maternal and child health, we knew that 20% of deliveries in Spain are by caesarean section, that diets between pregnancies can be harmful to the future baby, that feeding a child from his intrauterine life to 10 years age determines brain development, that breast milk triples the chances of survival of third world babies, that cytomegalovirus frequently affects during pregnancy and again, smoking problems, pregnant women who smoke increase your baby's blood pressure .

It was also recommended to avoid risks to reduce the likelihood of premature delivery and a practice that is being carried out on the beaches. They tattoo the phone number to children in case they get lost.

Fortunately, there are those who want to facilitate family and work reconciliation to the population. Did you find out that Mercadona will pay the full salary to pregnant workers and that they can stay at home from the twentieth week of pregnancy? It should be copied by the rest of companies right ?.

This week we also had good options for the decoration of the children's room, the furniture for the children's room of Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada is really beautiful, and nothing better than to finish off with the ideal switches for the children's bedroom.

We finish the Weekly Baby Summary and more reminding you that the March of Dimes Foundation has organized a Contest called Every baby has a story, do you want to participate?

We hope that the week has brought topics of interest to all and wish you happy holidays to those who can already enjoy them.

Video: Plan With Me July 30 - August 5 Feat Shop Jessica Hearts (July 2024).