Breakfast and approve… try breakfast, new campaign to promote breakfast among children

In Madrid they have developed a campaign under the motto, Breakfast and approve… try breakfast with a clear objective, raise awareness and promote balanced breakfast as part of a good physical and intellectual functioning.

The campaign has just begun and is aimed at all children in 67 Spanish schools. In our opinion it has started a little late, it might have been more effective if it had been done at the beginning of the school year, but the organizers only indicate that it is also the parents' task, and how the holidays are just around the corner , the training and acquisition of the breakfast habit will be a task that parents should keep at home.

According to statistics, only 7.5% of children in our country enjoy a varied and balanced breakfast, hence the need to continue looking for new initiatives that inform parents about the importance of breakfast and change children's habits . Up to 55,000 children between the ages of 3 and 12 will participate in the new campaign and their teachers will be the first step in the establishment of the breakfast habit. Breakfast is essential in a healthy and balanced diet, the morning energy intake is necessary, but not only in children, but also in the elderly. Even in the diets they recommend you not to skip any food and much less breakfast, which is the one that will provide the main energy to face the day. The new initiative accompanies diverse teaching material for parents, teachers and students that informs about the most suitable for breakfast and how to make the first intake of the day.

A book will be delivered to each school with 12 menus designed by nutritionists, each of them presents 500 kilocalories and as a peculiarity, they try to be suggestive and fun for children. In short, more and more initiatives are aimed at channeling good nutritional habits, although there is still a long way to go to establish themselves in the smallest and in society in general. Fostering a healthy and balanced diet today is improving tomorrow's quality of life.