How much sleep do parents lose with babies?

Sleeping eight hours at a stretch, without waking up, is now one of my most desired dreams (worth the redundancy).

A study conducted in England that was devoted to analyzing the sleep time we lose parents with babies under one year, calculated that we deprive ourselves at least 90 minutes per night, that is, one whole night of sleep per week.

I have knowledge of cause on the subject. So I will apply it to my particular case.

About nine months ago, the last two of pregnancy plus the seven that my baby has, I don't sleep six hours in a row.

Making a quick calculation I sleep about five hours a night. That is, if we consider a normal eight-hour sleep night, in the last nine months, I lost a month and three days of sleep.

The study does not encourage me too much, because it ensures that, on average, during the first year of the baby's life, parents lose two full months of sleep.

It means that I still have many hours of sleep lost ahead.

They will be recovered, I will be charging two extra hours of sleep per night during the next year.

Because if I charge them all in a row, the only thing that can wake me up, like Sleeping Beauty, will be a prince's kiss.

Video: Juicy Question: Parents lose THIS many hours of sleep the first year of their child's life (July 2024).