The negative reproductive health of the Philippines

Analyze the Philippine reproductive health can be surprising and depressing, the statements made by Suneeta Mukherjee, representative of the United Nations Population Fund, clearly suggest that help is needed in that country.

Around 1.5 million women and children die each year in the Philippines due to the little or no medical attention received during pregnancy or childbirth, this is a high mortality rate due to the shortage of health facilities, poverty and diseases like AIDS. On the other hand, some 400,000 illegal abortions are carried out in that country as a result of the extreme poverty suffered by 2 out of 3 women, who see this solution as viable due to the lack of means to raise the future child. In addition, it should be added that of every 1,000 births, 200 children die, it is really regrettable.

The Philippines has a fairly high birth rate that many countries would like for them, no less than three children per family, however, everything we have explained above overshadows this index. Many are the necessary help in the Philippines, family planning methods, health facilities, sex education and financial aid to the most disadvantaged families.

We all know that children are not to blame for situations caused by the elderly, our conscience and our help can contribute to changing the situation in these most disadvantaged countries.

Video: RH Bill: The Grand Debate Part 2 of 8 (July 2024).