Vitamin D would play a fundamental role in improving fertility and preventing abortions, according to a study.

It can be paradoxical that in a country like ours, where we enjoy so many hours of sunshine, 80 percent of the population is lacking in vitamin D. This has been stated on several occasions by experts, alarmed by this deficit that occurs both in adults and children.

But the truth is that the lack of this important vitamin can affect our health, and according to a recent study conducted by American scientists and doctors, vitamin D would have a relevant role in the Improved fertility of women and in the prevention of spontaneous abortions.

The importance of vitamin D when pregnancy is sought

These conclusions have been obtained after a study conducted by a team of American scientists and doctors, led by Dr. Sunni L. Mumford, of the National Institute of Health, and will be published in the September issue of the prestigious scientific journal The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology.

Apart from its function on calcium metabolism and bone health, vitamin D controls several extra-skeletal processes and is known to be anti-cancer, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

In addition, in recent years it had been observed that adequate levels of vitamin D help achieve pregnancy and prevent different types of complications during its development.

This is also explained to us by the experts in assisted reproduction of the Margen Clinic, in Granada, who insist on the importance of maintain adequate levels of vitamin D when pregnancy is sought, because its correct contribution not only improves fertility, but especially benefits women with previous miscarriages, as well as being an effective method to avoid abortion in its first weeks of pregnancy.

In this sense, it is essential that in the absence of vitamin D the doctor prescribes a treatment before the woman seeks pregnancy, controlling this lack at the beginning of it could be late, and affect the development of pregnancy.

"We knew that vitamin D is important during pregnancy, but Until now we did not know how important it was also to start an early treatment, even before conception "- explains Dr. Jan Tesarik, director of the Margen Clinic, who has pointed out the importance of this new study.

"It remains to determine the mechanisms involved, but from a practical point of view it is advisable to control, and eventually correct, the level of vitamin D in all women seeking pregnancy and, in particular, in those who suffer from unexplained infertility or have previously suffered a miscarriage "

"The study suggests that the start of vitamin D replacement therapy at the beginning of pregnancy may be too late and, consequently, vitamin D deficiency should be detected and corrected in all women of reproductive age who are looking for a pregnancy" - concludes Tesarik.

How is vitamin D obtained?

Foods that contain vitamin D are limited but especially blue fish, shellfish, egg yolks, certain viscera such as liver and dairy.

One of the main natural sources of vitamin D is the sun, so it is essential that in addition to taking care of our diet, we spend daily time outdoors, walking or playing sports.

According to scientific studies, the main causes of the deficit of this nutrient would be in:

  • The increasing physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle and low sun exposure following cultural habits that lead to absolute protection from the sun through the use of hats or certain types of clothing.

  • Low consumption of supplements and foods fortified in vitamin D

In this regard it is important to add that the use of pharmacological supplements should never replace the recommended natural measures of diet and outdoor exercise, and that their use should always be supervised by a specialist.

Photos | iStock

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