Biohabitat of Imaginarium, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Yesterday Imaginarium initiative was presented in Madrid to raise awareness and inform children about climate change, it is about Biohabitat, which proposes real actions for children and their families based on the basic rule of the three Rs, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Imaginarium offers educational products for children, they are the future and being aware of the care that the planet needs, will help to acquire a sustainable attitude, knowing that their actions influence their environment.

Energy saving, material recycling, rational use of resources, etc., are some of the recreational-educational activities with which Biohabitat de Imaginarium collaborates in the care of the planet.

This is the only initiative of this kind dedicated to children, children will learn to create the energy they need for their toys, with the "Energy revolution", the world's first line of household power generators that encourage the use of renewable energy in addition to facilitating its use, it consists of three renewable energy generators, mechanical energy, through the manual turn of a crank generates enough energy to charge the batteries, Solar Energy, where they provide you with a small solar panel that has three position angles that will allow you to take advantage of the energy of the sun and Wind Energy, to collect wind energy. In addition, the Biohabitat line offers an accumulator in which to charge the rechargeable batteries and a flashlight that works by turning the crank (does not carry batteries).

They have also created products to foster a “Sustainable attitude” self-consumption and recycling with Bio Farm and Bio Paper, in addition to the Biohabitat Forum so that families can explain their ideas and initiatives both to develop at home and to educate their children.

It seems to us a good initiative that all parents should carry out with their children, the problem of climate change is here and we must act, our children, grandchildren and others, will be the ones who will suffer.

Video: BioHabitat by Imaginarium (July 2024).