Belly dance for childbirth preparation

The Belly Dancing It is one of the oldest forms of dance, in addition to its performance in religious ceremonies, it was also part of the preparation exercises for childbirth, which makes it one of the oldest forms of instruction so that giving birth was less painful and more satisfying.

It is even said that at the time of childbirth, some women of the tribe surrounded the parturient while performing the belly dance, so that she made the same movements as a reflex act, thus reducing the pain of contractions.

This method was lost with medical advances, but there are many places where future moms are prepared with belly dancing. Arrives now in Alicante, in the Nursing College they are giving belly dance classes to midwives to introduce them in their childbirth preparation classes. The benefits they give to this technique are several, it strengthens the muscles that will better support the fetus during pregnancy, promotes good mood and eliminates anxiety, strengthens all the muscles that work during childbirth, etc.

The belly dance teacher of the Nursing College of Alicante, Marisol Díez, states that it also favors a good alignment of the body, maintains the tone of the pelvic floor and relieves possible discomfort in the lower back, both during pregnancy and at the time of pregnancy. Birth.

Other benefits of this technique is that the movements that the pregnant woman adopts spontaneously facilitate the descent of the baby through the birth canal, helps to relax the pelvis, focus attention on the pelvic area and oxygenate the baby inside the womb.

Have any of you practiced belly dance during childbirth? Do you know someone who has put it into practice? We would love to know your experience.

Video: Prenatal Belly Dance Basics 1 - Instructional Clip (July 2024).