Finally, you can climb the strollers deployed on buses in Madrid

After so many political comings and goings, finally the president of the Community of Madrid said yesterday that as of tomorrow You can climb the baby strollers deployed in the urban buses of Madrid. Hopefully this time is true.

Although the resolution was already approved and they had announced that it would be possible from January 1, there were still doubts about whether or not parents really could get on the bus with the stroller open.

The situation was very confusing and depended rather on the good faith of the bus driver and the mood of the parents, which in some cases has reached its limit by assaulting a driver for denying him to get on the bus with the baby carriage deployed .

At last it seems that there is an end to this "shameful situation" (as Aguirre described it).

Because behind the bureaucracy and political tejemanejes we are the ordinary parents who need to have a transport service that provides us with such a simple facility, but at the same time as useful as being able to get on a bus with our baby and his trolley.

Those who usually take buses with their baby will know what I am talking about. Of the juggling we have to do to close the cart, take the baby, the bag and pay the ticket, all at once.

It is inhuman and it was time we could do it as human beings. Hopefully this time is the charm. After all, it is a public transport and must serve all citizens, including those under three years old.

Video: Veronica Rudge Green Prize in Urban Design 2015: Madrid RÍO (July 2024).