Some 200 million children under five do not reach their level of cognitive development

An investigation of the children's progress that the University College of London has conducted in 45 developing countries and that has been published in the medical journal The Lancet, suggests that some 200 million children under five do not reach their level of development.

The main causes of this situation are caused by misery, the little psychological stimuli received by small or low levels of health and nutrition, such as low iodine or iron intake.

These factors are joined by others such as exposure to infectious diseases or maternal depression. The professor at the Center for International Children's Health Sally Grantham-McGregor, states that “It is possible that these children with disabilities do not perform in school and, therefore, have low income and high fertility, which causes poverty to pass through of generations. ” The most affected children (66%) are found in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, but there are also high rates in Latin America.

From the study, more conclusions and solutions that we recommend you read in the links that we show you, we hope that they take advantage of them and that the figures offered may decrease. It is shown that only the game is able to stimulate the little ones by promoting their development, a stage that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Video: Michio Kaku on the Evolution of Intelligence (June 2024).