Should doctors fight to get a baby born after 22 weeks of gestation?

The controversy is served, there is a dilemma created that will surely be the subject of numerous protests, according to a British bioethics committee (Nuffield), Babies who do not exceed 22 weeks of gestation and are born should not get ahead. The question we all ask ourselves would be why?

The minimum time necessary for a baby to survive is 22 weeks and according to statistics, no baby born with less time survives. Only 1% of those born after 22 weeks of gestation do so. Since for the parents the baby is really very important, it is their life, they cannot possibly make a decision based on the gestation time by throwing in the towel, however minimal if there is a possibility it is necessary to take advantage of it. Although only 1%, the effort is worth it, surely it is a desired child. We believe that it is a denial of the right to life, in any case, the decision should fall on the parents and doctors to do what is humanly possible to get the little one through. It seems that the committee dehumanizes births as if they were shuffling economic figures, not fighting for that 1% seems an aberration.

This is what our feelings say, however, if we refer to scientific facts and statistics, we find several studies that show the poor viability of births of 22 weeks gestation. A Japanese study showed that in 7,033 deliveries, three babies were born with 23 weeks gestation and attempts to get them through were unsuccessful.

What do you think? Should we get them ahead despite the statistics? Should we deny them the possibility of survival?

Video: Worlds Smallest Baby Born in San Diego at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital (July 2024).