Industrial pollution causes brain damage in children

According to a report published in the digital magazine The Lancet, millions of children on the planet may have suffered different brain damage as a result of industrial pollution. There are currently about 80,000 cataloged chemicals, of these, it is shown that about 1,000 are harmful to animals, 201 are dangerous to humans and 5 products are considered harmful to human neurological development.

Experts from the Department of Environmental Medicine of the University of Southern Denmark and the Department of Community Medicine of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, indicate that these 5 products represent only the tip of the iceberg and that more controls are necessary comprehensive worldwide. One fact, less than half of the chemicals used by the industry have undergone various tests to certify the toxicity they present. The data indicate that one in six children suffers from a problem with the development of their nervous system, resulting in various diseases of the nervous system such as attention deficit, autism or mental retardation among others.

In principle the measures taken by the European Union seem to be the most appropriate, strict preventive measures will be applied to the different products that can be softened as long as it is demonstrated that the toxicity of the product is minimal.

It is very important that all the chemical substances that are present in the industry are studied, on this depends an adequate development in children. Keep in mind that the symptoms resulting from these substances may appear after several years and even decades. All experts agree on the possible effects, related to neurological behavior defects, in children as a result of exposure to these products and although it is an extremely difficult task, it is necessary to thoroughly know each product and its effects for Avoid manipulation if they affect the development of children.

Children's brains are much more susceptible to the toxic effects of various chemical substances than adults' brains, if they represent generations to come and nothing is done, what will happen to children tomorrow?

Video: The EPA isn't taking its own advice on a pesticide that causes brain damage in children (May 2024).