Teach your child to eat well

Many parents know the best strategy for teach your children to eat, but there are certain aspects that have proven their effectiveness and that should not be forgotten in order for our children to have a correct learning. Even on many occasions parents are reeducating their diet when they have children. What would we not do for them?

As we know, the main thing is to set an example, if our children see us eating fruits and vegetables, we are sending them a correct message. It is not necessary to show that you eat a lot, because your hunger is not very pronounced yet, it is more important to show how tasty and healthy the food is.

An effective strategy if the child wants a snack, is to have healthy and nutritious food at their fingertips, substitute the candy pot that decorates the room with a source of fruits or nuts. There is a very frequent mistake in family meals, children eat before and alone or at a table separate from adults. This encourages them to feel displaced and free to choose what they want to eat. Instead, it is proven that children who participate in family meals eat more healthy foods.

Surely many of the dishes that suit you are also the ones you like least, and for that we have to have ingenuity and negotiation, it will also have greater effect if the presentation of the dish is attractive, forming faces or other drawings with food and trying having more color will motivate to leave the plate clean.

At a certain age children can already be part of the shopping list, as long as the basic principles of food are explained. Then at home, you can comment on the menu to be prepared with discretion but without disregarding your preferences and if it helps you in the kitchen, you will enjoy the food much more.

Video: Teaching Kids to Eat Right (July 2024).