Introduce new foods ahead of time

There are many mothers who stop breastfeeding their children before they turn 18 months of age, and there are also many who introduce new foods in their children's diet when your digestive system is not yet ready to assimilate them and much less to benefit from the possible nutrients that food provides.

Cow's milk is a food that must be introduced from the first year, since the baby's digestive maturity is reached at that age and allows her to tolerate it. If you introduce this milk before, cow's milk can cause intestinal microbleeds in the baby and consequently the loss of iron in addition to the discomfort caused. If you think about diluting this milk a little to avoid the effects, you should know that the energy value decreases considerably and the baby does not receive the necessary nutrients. It is also not advisable to sweeten the bottle, it is a practice that can cause tooth decay. Seasoning the porridge or purees with salt is something that nutritionists also advise against and much more if the baby has not yet reached the age of one. Candies, ice cream, french fries, hamburgers and a large number of foods are introduced into the baby's diet early.

Breast milk is the best food for the baby, it provides all the nutrients it needs for growth and development. Several studies have shown that babies fed only with the breast during their first six months have a lower risk of suffering from some typical childhood diseases and also when they develop and are older.

Breast milk should not be withdrawn early and also not introduce certain foods into the baby's diet until the pediatrician recommends it, thus ensuring adequate development, although some pediatricians indicate that you can start giving solid foods to the baby from On the sixth month, on the other hand, nutritionists and experts indicate that during the period of breastfeeding it is best to wait for the baby to show interest in these new foods. The truth is that it would be great if they agreed and provided us with the exact data.

With this type of contradictions only doubts and more errors are generated when properly administering new products to the baby.

Video: How to Avoid Picky Eaters - Stanford Children's Health (July 2024).