Not five minutes: never leave a baby locked in the car

As incredible as it may seem, every summer news of children who have died after being left by their parents locked in the car comes to light. Some have been "forgotten" and others have left them consciously while they were going to run a message or buy something, because they have considered that "Total, it's only a few minutes". But not even five minutes: never leave a child locked in the car.

With the heat, the car becomes a deadly trap for babies and children, and even if the windows are left a little open, the temperature inside rises very quickly also dangerously raising the temperature in the child's body.

What is hyperthermia

The temperature of a closed motor vehicle and the sun rises approximately 7 degrees every five minutes and in half an hour you can do it between 10 to 15 degrees. A child's body quickly reaches 40-41 degrees, and when the internal organs reach 42 degrees, begin to fail and death can occur.

It must also be taken into account that, due to their physiology, children are more susceptible than adults to temperature changes. Body temperature of a child between 0 and 4 years old increase 3 to 5 times faster than in the adult, causing a heat stroke and what is known as hyperthermia, a serious disorder that usually occurs in less than 20 minutes and causes death in less than two hours.

A child suffering from a heat stroke begins to sweat, vomiting, muscle cramps, heat rash occur, then tachycardia (pulse acceleration), numbness and trouble breathing leading to a loss of consciousness, symptoms They can even lead to death if you don't act quickly.

A deadly trap

This dramatic video, issued a few years ago in the United States, recreates this situation and shows the irreparable damage that a baby or toddler can suffer with just a few minutes of confinement inside a vehicle parked in full sun.

Apart from the heat, the car is not a place for a baby to be alone, even if he is tied in his seat. Neither in winterof course. The temperature inside a closed car also increases at any time of the year.

In addition, other types of misfortunes can occur such as stealing the car with the baby inside, opening it, giving it a blow, the child is released and manipulating something, or worse, that manages to open the door and get out of the car.

For all this, never leave your baby alone in the car for five minutes (much less in summer). Always lower it with you, even if you have fallen asleep or are watching it from outside.

In Babies and more | A father is locked in his car off to the sun to give an important message, A 10-year-old boy creates a device to prevent the death of babies who are locked in the car

Video: A Day at the Park MILLION SUBSCRIBER SPECIAL! (July 2024).