He gets bored with food

After six months, your baby is getting more and more contact with all kinds of foods and begins to decide which ones he likes best, like us, they have their preferences but although some foods do not like them, they are beneficial for your body and we must find an alternative to accept them.

Although your child has always eaten well, there may come a time when he gets bored with food, the reason for this change may be that you are already prepared to chew and need new incentives in your diet. A good system to start is to combine your meal with a small snack of your dish, this will make the porridge eat better, and start tasting different flavors. Children who in their first two years taste many flavors will eventually be people who will eat much better. Children often have a hard time chewing, and parents find it more comfortable to keep giving them crushed food, which is a mistake. Babies also get bored of always eating the same thing, it is monotonous. He must introduce the changes he needs to be able to see the food more attractive and of course, chewing on something new will always give him satisfaction.

The vegetable is one of the foods that produces the most rejection, so it is a matter of starting to give it as a garnish and remember that the variety is more than recommended, there are many more vegetables than green beans.

Video: How do i prevent getting bored on my healthy eating plan? (July 2024).