Finger Paint for the little ones

Have you noticed that young children like to play with porridge? Yes, put your hands in the cup rubbing your face and the surface at your fingertips, crush the banana and observe how it comes out between your fists. Some even play with the poop.

They like it because they experiment with touch, know the textures and the consistency of the objects while providing them with new sensations.

Based on this I propose a technique to paint with the More smalls and allow them to make a real mess. The technique is known as: Finger Paint The paint is prepared as follows: In a saucepan with water dissolve a few tablespoons of wheat flour (the amount so that it is like a thick cream), bring it to the fire until it has the consistency indicated. It is removed, allowed to cool, a little tempera is placed and it is stirred. You can also substitute tempera for food coloring. Then we pour it into containers that allow the child to reach in.

On the floor we place folios (since at an early age they do not control the space to be used, it is advisable to place large paper).

Let him paint freely with his hands on the paper, it will be unbeatable that other parts of his body are not painted. If you play music the activity will be doubly enjoyable.

Remember that the child should always be under the supervision of the adult and ENJOY!

Video: NO MESS FINGER PAINTING!! Family Friendly Easy DIY Painting!! (July 2024).