43 Irish girl and boy names for your baby

Today, March 17 is celebrated St. Patrick to commemorate the death of St. Patrick, Christian missionary and patron saint of Ireland, a date that is increasingly celebrated in more countries. The streets are dyed green, everyone dresses in this color, they dress up as elves or they wear the famous clover symbol.

The irish names They have a very special personality, so if you're looking name for your baby we leave you some Irish names for girl and boy that we have found adorable for your little elves. Let yourself be inspired by Irish culture.

Curiosities about Irish names

According to the Irish tradition, the eldest son receives the name of his paternal grandfather, the second son the name of his maternal grandfather and the third like his father and the fourth, the name of the father's older brother.

In the case of girls, the eldest daughter receives the name of the maternal grandmother, the second of her paternal grandmother, the third is named after her mother and the fourth, the name of the mother's older sister.

Although this custom is no longer strictly followed, it is common for the first children to bear the name of a relative.

And another curiosity is that St. Patrick was not really an Irishman named Patrick (Patrick). The patron saint of Ireland was born with the name of Maewyn Succat and it was actually British.

Irish girl names

  • Adara: means "beauty"
  • Aine: means "glory, splendor"
  • Alana or Alannah: means "girl"
  • Alona: means "dear girl"
  • Amy: means: "beloved"
  • Anna: variant of the Hebrew name Channah, which means "grace" or "favor."
  • Arlene: means "promise"
  • Brianna: means daughter of the nobility, girl of the nobility, princess, noble, strong.
  • Caitlin: Catalina variant
  • Face: means "friend"
  • Ciara: means "brunette." Variants Kiara, Kiera, Kyra, Keera
  • Deidre: means "melancholic"
  • Enya: means "little fire"
  • Erin: modified form of goddess Éire who inhabited and named Ireland
  • Fiona: means "white"
  • Maire or Moira: Irish variant of Mary, means "beloved of God, exalted, eminent"
  • Nessa: means "ambitious"
  • Nora: means "honor"
  • Sinéad: means Juana
  • Tara or Teamhair: is the most legendary hill in Ireland.

Irish boy names

  • Aidan: means "fire"
  • Brendan: means "prince"
  • Brian: means "noble, real, tall, strong"
  • Callum: means "dove"
  • Cyan: means "legendary"
  • Cillian: it was the name of an Irish saint who is patron saint of several Irish towns
  • Colin: can mean puppy or little bear
  • Conan: means "little warrior"
  • Connor: comes from the Irish 'Conchúr', which is diminutive of 'Conchubhar' which means 'dog lover'
  • Cormac: means "pure son"
  • Darren: sing "little oak"
  • Declan: means "full of goodness"
  • Dugan: means "black, dark, brown skin"
  • Finish: means "blonde hair"
  • Kevin: means pretty, kind, noble
  • Liam: Biblical name, William's variant, means "strong protector"
  • Lorcan: means "little brave"
  • Oscar: means "deer friend"
  • Rowan: means little redhead
  • Rory: means "king of red hair"
  • Ronan: means "little seal"
  • Ryan: means little king
  • Sullivan: means "little dark eyed"

More name ideas for your baby:

Video: Rare Baby Names You'll Completely Fall In Love With (July 2024).