A baby is born after staying for two months in the womb of his mother with brain death

When a pregnant woman loses her life, doctors do everything possible to save the life of the baby that is being born in her womb, although unfortunately it is not always possible.

But in this case that happened in Colombia, despite the sad news of the mother’s death, a baby named José Alejandro managed to be born after remaining two months in the womb of his mother with brain death.

The mother died after suffering a lung infection, so doctors from the Cardiovascular Foundation of Bucaramanga decided to connect her to an artificial lung to keep her vital signs and allow the baby to continue to develop in the best possible place: the mother's womb.

According to Caracol News, a team of more than fifty specialists performed several procedures to keep the child alive, who was born by caesarean section in week 28 of gestation and weighed 700 grams.

After birth, he remained in intensive care for a month and a half until he could go home with his father, who with mixed feelings for losing his wife, considers his son "a gift from God."

Other similar cases

It is not the first case of a pregnant baby who has survived the death of his mother. Some time ago we echoed the amazing case of a pregnant woman with brain death who stayed alive for 123 days so that her twins could be born. It worked as an incubator for her babies for four months after suffering a hemorrhage that caused her brain death when she was only nine weeks pregnant.

Also in Lisbon, a baby was born 55 days after his mother died. During the time that the mother has been brain dead, her body was fed hormonally and nutritionally, until her baby was born with 32 weeks of gestation and 2,350 kilos of weight.

Another case was in Hungary, where a mother who died of a brain hemorrhage was kept alive for 15 weeks so that her baby could be born.

Video: Pregnancy: Making it to 39 Weeks (July 2024).