He wanted to take out his driving license before his baby was born, but he went into labor during the exam!

Surely we all have ever counted stories or anecdotes that happened to us while we were examining the driving license. The nerves, the pressure and at the same time the euphoria of knowing you at a step of obtaining the desired driving license, makes us live situations, sometimes, really unusual.

But few anecdotes will surpass that of Andrea, a 39-week-old pregnant Jerez woman who had to abandon her practical exam before the imminent arrival of her baby.

Andrea went out of accounts on November 17 and although the early morning before the exam began with some contractions, he was discharged from the hospital telling him that it was still early for the baby to arrive.

Therefore, the next day He decided to take his driving test. His goal was to approve it before his son was born but he did not get it for a matter of minutes, since in full examination, Andrea began to feel bad.

She had strong contractions that prevented her from continuing to drive and after telling the examiner, it was her own driving school teacher who immediately transferred her to the hospital. When they reached the health center, and just get out of the car, the woman broke the bag. She was already 4 cm dilated, and a short time later her son David arrived in the world.

Everything was very hasty and for a matter of minutes little David was not born on the highway. The story had a happy and anecdotal ending that Andrea will always remember and will be able to tell her child, although the driving license ... will have to wait!

Driving tips if you are pregnant

The December bridge and Christmas holidays are just around the corner, so if you are pregnant and you are going to travel by road On those dates, remember some basic tips to keep in mind so as not to put your health or your baby's health at risk:

  • Always use the seat belt, placing the pelvic band in the lower part of the hip to avoid pressure on the gut, and the chest band on the chest.

  • make frequent stops in rest areas and take the opportunity to stretch your legs, hydrate and eat.

  • Avoid roads with an irregular asphalt, many potholes or curves. Similarly, if you can opt for a longer and more comfortable route that avoids traffic, do not hesitate. Continuous or sudden braking as well as irregularities of the terrain they could cause you contractions.

  • Travel accompanied by someone with whom you can take turns when you are tired.

  • Check your eyesight before traveling as eye doctors warn that during pregnancy myopia increases. And if you have any questions about whether your condition is the best way to get on the road, be sure to check with your gynecologist.

  • Telecinco Information Via

  • In Babies and More Give birth to your premature baby in the car and born with the bag intact, The car seat belt does not harm the fetus, Traveling on the road while pregnant, tips that will help you make the trip more comfortable and safe Eye doctors warn about the accentuation of myopia caused by pregnancy

Video: Lexus Goes Into Labor With Painful Contractions. Unexpected (July 2024).