"I will not be here to see you grow": the heartbreaking letter from a mother with terminal cancer to her children

Sara Chivers, a 34-year-old Australian mother, received the worst news in March: was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. The mother had overcome brain cancer in 2008, but three very aggressive new tumors developed again, making her diagnosis terminal.

He was preparing for an intervention in October when he received other devastating news: that his son Alfie, who is only 18 months old, also suffers from brain cancer, a childhood atypical rhabdoid tumor. This motivated her to continue fighting and decided to write to them a letter to her two children so they can read it when she is gone.

The oncologist said that the lottery is more likely to win than a mother and child had two different types of brain cancer. There is no relationship between the diagnoses and the child has already passed two interventions and is receiving treatment.

We always think that we are invincible and that we will always be there for our children, especially when they need us most, as is the case with illness. The letter is really heartbreaking, it is impossible that the tears do not escape.

"Dear Hugh and Alfie.

I will not be here to see you grow. It is something difficult to say and even harder to face. You will have to hear from others the little stories of my life: my favorite perfume is Michael Kors, my favorite food is spaghetti Bolognese, winter is my favorite season. I wish I was a better cook. I am a guardian of memories: little labels with the name of the hospital, the poem that Leigh wrote for my 21st birthday, the first baby clothes.

I know your dad, and our group of family and friends will keep me alive for you as much as they can, but there are some things I want you to know about me. Do not be afraid to express your emotions. I will never get tired of hearing from Leigh, my family, or friends, 'I love you'.

Stay strong. As they say, it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved. That's what I feel for you two. The broken heart does not come close to describing the pain I feel when I am not in your lives in the future, but I would never change or renounce the time we have spent together and the immense joy you have brought me. Without a doubt, you are my most important achievements.

Pay attention to learning, but know that there is much more to school life than textbooks. Practice team sports. Play a musical instrument. Learn a language.

Always do your best; I could never ask for more. Never fear failure, you will learn more from mistakes than from successes. There is never anything safer than change, so accept it. Do not be afraid to try new things. Travel as much as possible, it will shape who you are.

Be brave in your convictions and trust yourself. Never tease or ridicule someone because it is different from you. You will be better people if you surround yourself with people who challenge your opinions and beliefs.

I will never be able to emphasize the sufficient importance of good table manners. Remember to say 'please' and 'thank you'. Address the parents of your friends as Mrs., Mrs. or Mr. unless they ask otherwise. Make the bed when you stay at other people's houses, and don't forget to pick up the table and do the dishes.

You will have friends for a season, friends for a reason, friends for life. It will not take long to determine which ones are in each category.

The family is first. We will always be there so you can move on again despite any mistake or bad choice, and we will help you overcome difficult times and celebrate victories in life.

Be kind to dad. It will not be easy for him to raise you alone, but every decision he makes will be with your best intentions. He is an exceptional father and a role model. Do not let him doubt himself or the wonderful work he will do to become the men I dream you will be.

There will come a time when Dad will want to find happiness with a new partner. Accept and embrace her choice, and know that she will also be a positive female influence in your lives. I have absolute faith that he will make the right choice, for him and for you, and I hope she enriches your lives as much as you do mine.

Your father is the most admirable and brave man I have ever met. He is my partner, my rock, my everything. He has shown true courage in the face of our adversities, and without him by my side I would have collapsed.

I will always be grateful for the time we spend together, the memories we create, the love we share. It was always him. It will always be.

With love. Mom".

Sara's sister has started a campaign in Go Fund Me to cover the many expenses the family faces. With the letter he intends, in addition to leave a legacy to your children, raise awareness to boost donations for brain cancer research.

Photos | Tess Follett
Via | ABC (// www.abc.net.au/news/2017-11-01/sara-chivers-and-her-son-alfie-are-both-fighting/9109336 //www.abc.net.au / news / 2017-11-01 / meet-the-mother-and-baby-both-fighting-terminal-brain-cancer / 9104984 //thenewdaily.com.au/life/relationships/2017/11/01/ sara-chivers- letter-brain-cancer /)
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