How to properly clean the giraffe Sophie to avoid risks for your baby

A few months ago we shared the photos that a mother had published on social networks about giraffe Sophie of his son, the famous teether that many babies have at home. The mother had split the giraffe in half to warn of the layer of mold that had formed inside the toy.

It seems that since that fact, many have been reluctance and doubts that the toy has aroused among the parents, and therefore the manufacturer has decided to publish a video with tips to maintain and clean the teether correctly.

The most important thing: prevent water from entering the toy hole

The company BB Grenadine, manufacturer of the Giraffe Sophie, reports that this teether is made of 100% natural rubber, so it is very important to respect its instructions for use and cleaning.

Among the recommendations given for the maintenance of the toy, is:

  • Not sterilize it,
  • Wash only the surface with a damp cloth with soapy water
  • Prevent water from entering the hole
  • Wash the giraffe before offering it to the baby for the first time to remove excess paint

In addition, it is reported that the progressive loss of color that the giraffe will suffer over time, does not matter or alter the quality of the toy.

They insist that the key to keeping both this toy and similar ones in condition is in prevent water from entering the whistle hole, thus avoiding the formation of mold inside.