The more sugar in pregnancy, the more risk of allergy and asthma in the baby

After uncovering a few months ago the gimmicks that the sugar industry carried out a few decades ago to ensure that sugar was not considered unhealthy, and the faults of cardiovascular diseases, among others, were taken by fat, are increasingly more studies that finally tell us all the damage that could occur to produce their intake, especially if consumed in excess.

On this occasion we talk about the moment of pregnancy, when it has been seen that The more sugar consumed, the greater the risk of allergy and asthma in the baby to be born.

A study with more than 9,000 women

For the study, published in the journal European Respiratory Journal and conducted in the United Kingdom, the researchers had more than 9,000 pregnant women who were classified according to the amount of sugar they consumed during pregnancy.

They saw that 20% of women who ate more sugar they had children whose probability of having an allergy at age 7 was 38% higher, and that the probability of having two or more allergies was even higher, 73% more. Further, the risk of allergic asthma was double; all this regardless of the amount of sugar that the children had consumed during their childhood.

The allergies analyzed were the most common environmental allergies: to dust mites, to cat hair and to grasses.

What if there was no causality?

As always when two variables are studied and a hypothesis of one is established with respect to the other, all possible confounding factors must be eliminated to be clear that one is the cause of the other.

In this case, the researchers they dare not say that there is causality, but they do open the door for it to be very possible and for new investigations to confirm their conclusions or not.

As we read in Medline, researchers explain it this way:

We cannot say from these observations that a high intake of sugar by mothers in pregnancy is what is undoubtedly causing the allergy and allergic asthma of their children, but since the consumption of sugar is extremely high In the West, we will undoubtedly investigate this hypothesis in more depth with some urgency.

Decrease sugar consumption equally

In any case, whether or not there is causality, the relationship between sugar consumption and various diseases derived from overweight and obesity that can produce the large amount of sugar added that we can find in processed foods.

Precisely for that reason, it is advised that pregnant women, and in general the families that will receive the new baby, reduce your consumption and eat a varied diet, with the highest proportion of healthy foods possible. Thus, when the baby is born, he will live immersed in healthier eating habits, and will be more likely to eat equally more balanced.

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In Babies and more | I am pregnant: sugar or saccharin ?, What can we eat and what not during pregnancy, Excess sugar in our diet and that of our children, a problem now and in their future