A girl chooses to donate food to the homeless instead of having a birthday party

One might think that it is adults who give life lessons to children, but once again, they show us that it is they who come to give them to us. For example, a few months ago we told them the story of a nine-year-old girl who builds shelters for the homeless. Now we will share the story of another girl who also wants to help them.

We all know how much children get excited when their birthday approaches. Thinking about the party, the gifts, the cake, the sweets, their friends and the fun that all that implies is something that fills them with illusions. But one girl decided that it would make her happier to help others.

Armani Crews just turned six just a few days ago, but from such a young age he is already showing us that he is never too small to help others. She has chosen to give food to the homeless, instead of having her birthday party.

For some months Armani he had been begging his parents to bring food to the homeless in his community, but her parents didn't think she meant it.

"I said, 'Ok, we'll make some sandwiches,' to which Armani replied, 'No. I want to give them the same thing we would have at my birthday party '", says his mother in an interview for ABC News.

The girl remained firm in her decision, even when her father told her that if she wished to do so, she would not receive a birthday present.

So parents, fulfilling their daughter’s wish, they spent $ 300 dollars on food to deliver to the homeless in a nearby park in their community. They bought chicken, fish, pasta, potatoes, cake, cookies and water, among other things.

But Armani's initiative was not just that. After she mentioned her plans in the church her family attends, the community joined and donated other items to make gift packages to deliver to the homeless.

Each package contained a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hand sanitizer and a snack, like a granola bar.

In the end, Armani's party was a success, since it was possible to feed more than 125 people. "It's nice to be good"said Armani.

After this generous experience her mother commented that Armani felt very excited and happy, and that many people were fed. Now, the little girl wants to organize another meeting where she can feed more homeless people. According to his mother, they plan to return to the same park in the coming weeks.

No doubt the innocence and good intentions of children will always be something worth admiringAnd now she has reminded us that helping others is something that will always feel good.

Video: The Other Christmas Gift (July 2024).